B.D.M. International

Webinar for Students of Classes VI,VII and VIII, on ‘Exam Stress Management’

Webinar for Students of Classes VI,VII and VIII, on ‘Exam Stress Management'
On 14th July, 2023, B.D.M.I had organised a webinar for students of classes VI,VII and VIII, on ‘Exam Stress Management’, in school. “The key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused”- is exactly what Dr Sanjay Garg, an eminent psychiatrist from Fortis hospital, Kolkata, had prompted the students with during the webinar. It is often seen that students, especially the ones falling under the age bracket of 12-15 years, tend to tense up during examinations and as a result of not being able to manage time, end up stressed and ill. Dr Garg, while addressing the students, spoke on the various ways a student can manage time during examinations in order to stay stress-free. He mentioned how “Smart studying” can be incorporated. In order to do so, they would need to plan everything out effectively. A student would require planning and setting his/her goal and prioritising what needs to be done. A “To-Do” list needs to be prepared in order for the student to set his/her pattern of studying and that means no chatting or looking into their phones during that period of time. He spoke on improving concentration, as it is observed students often tend to lose patience and become restless. In order to enhance concentration and focus, a student needs to manage time. He/she needs to plan out a schedule about when to study and when to not study. The student needs to train himself/herself to be able to utilise that schedule as planned, and in turn learn how to stay focused. He then spoke on “Effective Reading” and tipped it off by making the students understand the importance of revision and self-evaluation, in building confidence. ‘No sleeping late’ was Dr Garg’s go-to phrase throughout the webinar. He kept stressing on how important it is for the students to keep their sleep patterns under check to remain unstressed and function well. The webinar ended with a question-answer session where students, one by one, asked the Doctor their questions. Dr Garg patiently provided them with the necessary solutions. It was indeed a very enriching session. The students patiently listened to what the Doctor had to suggest and were elated to be a part of the webinar.
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