B.D.M. International

Karate Belt Gradation

Karate Belt Gradation 2024

Under the auspices of the Martial Arts Organization of India, B.D.M.I. recently hosted a Karate Belt Gradation Exam exclusively for girls, encompassing participants from standards VI to IX. A total of 78 enthusiastic participants took part in this esteemed event, showcasing their dedication and skill in the martial arts arena. The examination was presided over by the esteemed Examiner, Shihan Arup Das, whose expertise and discernment added to the integrity of the proceedings. Participants underwent rigorous testing, demonstrating their proficiency in various aspects of Karate, under the watchful eye of the examiner. Among the participants, notable performers presented their exemplary skills and dedication. Rohini Barui, a student of grade IX, secured the coveted 1st position, showcasing her exceptional prowess in Karate. Following closely behind, Sohani Laskar, also from grade IX, clinched the 2nd position, exhibiting remarkable skill and determination. Additionally, Vriddhi Barua from grade VI showcased promising potential, garnering recognition for her commendable performance. The event was graced by the presence of our esteemed Principal, whose unwavering support and encouragement served as a source of motivation for all participants. Her presence ensured that the proceedings adhered to the highest standards of fairness and excellence. Overall, the Karate Belt Gradation Exam for girls at our school proved to be a resounding success, fostering a spirit of competition, discipline, and camaraderie among participants. It not only celebrated the martial arts prowess of young girls but also underscored the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving excellence in any endeavour.

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